Nikon India Pvt Ltd. is having New Year offers on its new range of Nikon Coolpix digital cameras. A few are:
- Nikon Coolpix S220 (10 megapixels, 3xzoom, 6.3cm LCD, 18mm ultra slim, Li-ion batter) with 2 years warranty for Rs. 8,950 - And get free 4 GB card, tripod & pouch)
- Nikon Coolpix S230 (10 megapixels, 3xzoom, 7.6cm LCD, Li-ion batter) for Rs. 9,950 - And get free 2 GB card & pouch
The offer is available at the stores listed below:
- IIIrd I - Tel: 6550-9216
- TMC - Tel: 6666-9995
- Tick Click - Tel: 2335-5679
- Croma - Tel: 6653-4850
- Reliance Digital - Tel: 4472-2200
- V G Chimalgi - Tel: 2781-2079
- Jyothi Art Studio - Tel: 6638-3338
- Ezone - Tel: 6613-0483
- Mahavir Photo Emporium - Tel: 2763-1242