Olympus is having offers on its new range of Olympus FE-Series digital cameras. A few are:
- Olympus FE-26 (3x optical zoom, 6.9cm LCD monitor) of MRP Rs. 6,995 - special price of Rs. 5,995
- Olympus FE-5020 (5x optical zoom, Li-lon batter) of MRP Rs. 12,995 - special price of Rs. 11,995
- Olympus FE-4000 (4x optical zoom, Li-lon battery) of MRP Rs. 9,995 - special price of Rs. 8,995
And on purchase of an FE camere, you can get a free 2GB microSD + camera case + MASD-1 (micorS2GB micorSDD adaptor) + rechargeable battery & charger, along with a warranty of 2 years.
Other cameras (Olympus 12 megapixel) start at prices of Rs. 5,995.
The offer is available at the stores listed below:
- PCH Zone - Tel: 2789-1122
- IIIrd I - Tel: 6550-9216
- TMC - Tel: 6666-9995
- Tick Click - Tel: 2335-5679
- Croma - Tel: 6653-4850
- Reliance Digital - Tel: 4472-2200