Tirumala Music Center (TMC) is having offers on 2-star split A/Cs, whose price starts from Rs. 18,990 onwards (and EMI from Rs. 1,899 onwards). You can also get a free Uni-Stab stabilizer worth Rs. 2,620 and installation worth Rs. 1,500 (standard fitting only).
The offer is valid in all TMC branches, whose phone numbers are given below:
Malakpet - Ph No.: 2454-9436/2455-1566/2455-5577
Abids - Ph No.: 6666-9995/96/97
Koti - Ph No.: 2474-2271/2474-4680
Hyder Nagar - Ph No.: 2389-2377/88
A S Rao Nagar - Ph No.: 2713-3555/66/77