Maruti Suzuki is presenting some savings offers on its cars. The following are the savings you can have on purchases of automobiles from Maruti:
- WagonR - Rs. 35,000
- Alto K10 - Rs. 22,500
- EECO - Rs. 30,000
- A-Star - Rs. 50,000
- Estilo - Rs. 45,000
- Omni - Rs. 15,000
- SX4 - Rs. 55,000
- Ritz - Rs. 40,000
The above-mentioned benefits can be availed only through insurance, genuine accessories & exchange bonus.
Also, there are special offers for doctors, advocates, teachers, corporates & government employees (both serving as well as retired).
The offer is available at Maruti Suzuki dealers in the city. Please contact 2776-7676 / 2776-797 for further details.